For Halloween you put on a costume.  You look in a mirror and do not recognize the face that looks back at you — the mask.  You smile, for now you can be whoever you want to be, and no one will be the wiser.  Do you not understand that the body you wear is also your costume?  Inside it you, too, can be whoever you want.  You give it a name and call it you.  Does your current “you” serve your soul’s growth?  That is why you have the costume, you know.  You can change the way you look on the outside with a new hairdo new makeup or clothes, perhaps, but what about the inside?  Is a makeover in order, or are you quite happy with how your soul is growing as you act out your human role?  That is the point of all of this, you know–not how well the human grows, but how well the soul expresses itself.