See with new eyes.  This is the remedy for when you experience discomfort.  If you are unhappy or less than joyful, if your thoughts constantly return to something that makes you uncomfortable, a mere shift in perception will cure your ills.
It is quite easy to get stuck in one way of seeing.  Know that with this word “seeing” we mean thinking and perceiving.  The human brain actually creates neuronal pathways in accordance with your thoughts, creating the same hormonal reactions and thus the same emotions in response to your habitual thoughts and perceptions.  You can and oft do become addicted of sorts even to the most unpleasant of emotions.  The body craves a dose of fear or anger.
You wish to break the addiction?  See with new eyes.  When you experience the undesired reaction—the fear, the anger, the unrest—shift your perception.  See from another’s eyes.  Whose eyes will you see from?  Hopefully one with compassion and love for all others, for these are the antidotes to all ills. 
Practice this shift in perception enough times, and when a situation or person who would have previously caused you angst comes into your awareness, you will respond in a wholly and holy new way.