“Oh, don’t look at me, today!” you tell your friends. “I look so awful!” And then you do proceed to list your many imperfections. Your friends protest, for they do not see what you see. Is it not true that perception is reality? How does your Higher Self perceive you? With understanding, of course. With patience. With love. Can you do the same?

The outer often reflects the inner. Is the outer unhealthy or uncared for? You are always cared for by your Source on a grand scale, but on the human scale each thought and action is up to you. Quiet the constant self-criticism, please, so that you can hear the voice of your Higher Self whispering, “You are loved. You are safe. Treat yourself with the same loving care I feel for you. Speak to yourself kindly. Love yourself. You have no imperfections in My eyes. Respect Me, please, and respect this body and soul we are using.”