Those who need reassurance need love more than ever, for what is
lacking is a lack of trust.  What is it
they do not trust?  That all is in
perfect order.  And why do they not see
this?  For they are focused on the human
level.  You walk in two worlds at once as
spirit and human, but if you need constant reassurance, you are not aware of
this truth.

Humans are enmeshed in the dance of duality—the dance of yin with yang.  With so many of you dancing–with the darkness
and the light which make up the wholeness constantly flowing back and forth—you
cannot see the wholeness—the big picture. 
You focus on those opposing you and you despair that there will always
be lack and strife.  You do not see that
this is part of the dance to bring you back to your awareness of your true
nature … to Wholeness.

When you so greatly need reassurance, there is only one way to find
it.  You must rise above your viewpoint
from the dance floor.  From there, the
view never changes.  Rise with us now to
the balcony.  Transcend your earthly
viewpoint and see from this place of Love the impermanence of the dance.  If it is not going as you would like down
there on the floor, just you wait.  The
music will change.  The dances will
change.  Those dancers who know this will
not seek reassurance.  They will continue
to dance and will help those around them to improve their steps.

Transcend your doubts and rise above to the balcony when you find yourself
in need of repeated assurance.  You are
loved and all is well.  Not everyone
enjoys dancing, but it serves a great purpose. 
Only from the balcony can you see it All.