“Roll with the punches.”  What
does this mean?  Do not resist when the
blows come, but bend, duck, move backwards, and dance.  Picture your prize fighters bending, and
weaving, and bouncing in a sort of dance. 
Are they afraid?  Do they
cringe?  No, they know that they are in
for a fight and they are going to come out winning.  If they did not have such an attitude, they
could not even enter the ring.

We have chosen a rather bellicose analogy, but you do understand, don’t
you, from years of being human that at times the blows come at you.  You entered this arena willingly.  Now, are you going to cower in a corner and
retreat, or are you going to rise to the occasion and come out the winner you
always are?  We are not advising you to “fight”
in a negative sense, but to remain strong, to bend, flow, dance, and roll with
the punches that are part of life in the ring. 

You are not weak.  You chose to come
here, and this alone makes you the strongest of the strong.