You lay to rest your
most beloved.  “How can I go on without
them?”  First, understand that they are
not resting.  They are more active than
you are now that they no longer drag around that cumbersome body.  They visit you often now, for when you think
of them they feel it.  It is you who
feels sorrow, but do not feel it for the one who has moved on.  Treat yourself lovingly as you adjust to this
new chapter in your life.  The giant hole
is mainly the physical presence.  Fill
this by bringing to mind all the more love you have experienced by having them
in your life.  What will you do with that
love?  Why, go out and give it to those
who need it—those who did not know the love you shared with your loved one.  Translate what appears to be a loss into a
gain on a greater scale.  Give that love
in memory of the one who still walks with you and you are allowing their love
to live on.  You will see them again, and
when you do, you can celebrate the loving use you put to the love they brought
to this world.  Now that is a win-win
situation instead of a loss.