Have you experienced the joy that comes from a pure
connection with Spirit?  It is quite
different from the happiness of ego-based thoughts.  Have you experienced the peace that comes
from a true connection with your Essence? 
It is quite different from a human sense of being calm.  Have you experienced the Love that comes from
remembering your oneness with your Source? 
It is w(holy) different than the ephemeral love that comes and goes
based on outer appearance or actions. 
The joy, peace, and Love of which we speak have a depth and a richness
that are profoundly different and recognizable. 
Once felt, nothing else will satisfy. 

You know these attributes at a soul level, which is why at a
subconscious level most feel a deep dissatisfaction until they are discovered
once again.  They have not
disappeared.  They have merely been
covered by human frailties.  Follow the
urging of Spirit and find your way Home, to true and lasting joy, peace, and
Love.  They lie within you; this we
promise you.  Merely asking within how to
find them is the first step.