Do you fight fire with fire?  Perhaps you do.  And does it work to put out the original fire?  Of course not.  It only adds to the conflagration.  When anything less than the highest vibration is present, you do not bring in more of the lower vibration.   You raise the current vibrations by bringing in more love.  It is so very simple, yet so many fail to understand this most basic principle.

When another “gets in your face,” as you put it, what happens when you do the same in response?  You fan the flames.  You have a flare-up.  What happens if you release the flow of love, instead?  In fact, what if you invite those around you to surround the one who burns with all of your love?  Why, the heat will be instantly smothered.  Try it.  You will be amazed, and you will laugh at how it took you so long to see how two egos clashing will always produce nothing but sparks, but the ego that is met with a flow of love will cool down instantly.