Pay attention
to signs around you.  They are
everywhere.  These are the Universe’s way
of speaking to you.  Higher Consciousness
speaks to you in thought all the time, but you do not hear it or cannot through
the constant chatter.  And so we work with
the guides and higher consciousness of others to bring together events that
will hit you between the eyes, so to speak.

“What a
coincidence!” you cry, and we laugh at your surprise.  Had you any idea how much effort goes into
orchestrating these actual planned events that you chalk up to mere chance you
would give us far more credit.  It is not
credit we seek, but your attention.  And
so we get it in the form of synchronicity. 

Do not merely
shrug off these attention-getting moments, but stop, turn your eyes skyward and
your attention inward, and pass along a bit of acknowledgment and
gratitude.  It is much appreciated, for
in this way you finally acknowledge that we are with you and we are all part of
The One.