Survivors … those who endure pain and suffering and hardship and do not perish.  All of you are survivors.  Do you not yet know this?  And there is not a soul among you who will be kicked off the island. 
Why watch your television when there is so much to learn simply by surviving the trials of your own lives?  It is far easier to watch the struggles of another on a television than to look inside and shine a light on your own troubles.  Run not from your life lessons.  Face them head on with head held high.  Feel your pain.  Feel your anger.  Feel your frustration.  Acknowledge all of these fully, then surround yourself with the healing energy of forgiveness for being human.  You have survived yet again.  Now cleansed, fill yourself with the love of the true Self and feel how you have grown, now capable of helping others to survive and thrive. 
Yes, it is a jungle out there, but all is peace and love within when you do your inner work and weed through the vines.