Emotions are like drugs.  Some have what you call good effects and others bad.  Some you crave and others you call a “bad trip.”  And yet, you can become addicted even to the lower emotions.  Yes, it is true.  To some, anger feels good, rage even better.  The body craves its fix and the ego will go out of its way to create a situation in which that craving is fulfilled.  As always, awareness is the key.  Is there a higher vibration than the emotions to which you are addicted?  Does seeking pleasure and fleeing from pain exhaust you?  Try peace.  It lies just a bit beyond deep breaths.  Emotions come and go.  Peace lies always at your center.  We are not saying that emotions are bad or even good.  They simply are.  All is neutral until you give them meaning, and that is where the addiction starts.  Find peace so that you know how to return to it, and then go out and enjoy your life.