Note from Suzanne – As we have travelled about this summer and last, the highlights for me have always been the waterfalls we come across, big and little. Waterfalls are my favorite thing in nature. I stand and stare at them, and have never been able to figure out exactly what it is about waterfalls that draws me to them in such a mesmerizing way. Today,we will visit Niagara Falls, which I haven’t seen since I was 10 years old, so I sat in meditation and asked Sanaya, “Why do waterfalls attract me so?” As I teach in my workshops, you never need to wonder about things when the answers are readily available. Just ask. Here is Sanaya’s answer:

All of life is a microcosm of the macrocosm. As above, so below. The waterfalls, like so many things in your world, reflect truths which you feel innately and take you back to your spirit-nature. In the waterfall there is beauty and power. There is rhythm, there is new life, there is a top and a bottom flowing together. There is freshness, there is majesty, there is purity, and there is music, from a trickle to a roar, all of it announcing, “This is Life! See how it flows! See the beauty! Feel the energy! You are part of this! You are part of this flow … and in you lies this power.”

Be in the flow. Harness this power, and let the world hear your loving roar. You are the waterfall, flowing over the rocks in your life with ease, knowing that at the bottom of the fall, the flow continues into something even greater … ever onward, to be recycled, rise to the skies, and return to the earth again as rain … a never-ending cycle. Is it any wonder that the waterfall is beautiful? A symbol of the beauty of Life, itself.