“Oh, look at that behavior,” you say.  “I would never do that!”  In this way you judge and ego is satisfied.  He feels superior and separate once
again.  And then what happens?  One day you find yourself doing exactly what
you once derided in another.  How does
this happen?  All of you are here to
experience human life.  All of you are
capable of anything in the spectrum of human thought and behavior when you
forget who you are and why you are here.*  This is why judgment is such a silly thing.  The tables can turn in an instant, for it
takes diligence to keep the focus on Spirit. 
Be not so quick to judge.  “There
but for the grace of God go I” is a useful phrase to remember.  May you be graced today with remembrance and
acceptance of the humanness of your brothers and of yourself.

*You are spirit-beings temporarily in human form, here to
learn to love fully.