You hear a tiny voice inside.
From this voice you cannot hide.
Is it but imagination?
Then why such utter fascination?
Have you not asked, “Are You there?
Do You truly know my every hair?
Is it You who whispers in my ear?
The One so many were taught to fear?”
“How can this be the voice of God?
Why do I find this thought so odd?”
It is the result of your false teaching.
For a human God you have been reaching.
Your God is not in human form.
To no set image does God conform.
You can’t conceive of what God is
When using words like “He” and “His.”
Expand your thoughts and then you’ll know
How very far you have to go
To understand this awesome Power
That fills your breath hour after hour.
Release the need to understand
That which lies beyond the hand.
Simply know this Force is real.
It’s something you can only feel.
For this, surrender is a must
If you will truly learn to trust.
The messages you thought you heard
When God did give to you a Word.