There is only one of you here.  You are unique.  You are the only one who can feel what you do, perceive as you do, act as you do, think as you do.  And yet, you are being breathed.  You are being done by a higher Power.  Have you yet realized this?  Stop breathing.  Now.  Could you do it?  The body is not self-propelled and self-perpetuating.  Do not give it more power than it has.  The breathing and even the thinking comes from a level your scientists have not yet measured.  It is powerful beyond measure, and you are an expression of That.  Powerful beyond measure.  There is only One of you here.  If this is true for you, then it is true for all others.  See the diversity within the oneness and find the understanding and the compassion for each doing the best they can to express their Light.

You are so very loved.