At times you hear news that you do not want to hear and you
deny it.  “That cannot be true.  That person who I love did not do those
things,” or some other example of news that bursts your bubble.  How do you react?  You put up your defenses and refuse to change
your belief systems, for, as you so often say, “The truth hurts.”  What if you were to see the actions as those
taken by a human being acting as humans often do.  When they forget or do not realize that they
are spirit-beings, they make decisions which are not always for the greater
good.  See them then with compassion.  Forgive the human side of them and forgive
the side of you which expected perfection. 
In that way, all can grow instead of being blocked by beliefs that your
human companions need to be perfect.  Few
humans are perfect, but within them lies the soul.  Send love and compassion to any situation,
and the truth will not hurt.  You will
find understanding, and then you can find peace.