you could see with your eyes the pure spirit of those around you, you would
never again struggle with the concept of oneness.  All you would see is a bright white
light.  Where once you saw Dick and Jane
and Dick and Jane’s clothing, shape, size, and features (which, by the way,
immediately take you to the realm of feeling and judgment about the thoughts,
actions, and history of Dick and Jane), now you would see not the human, but
the spirit—the light.  No longer would
there be difference, just love, blending and melding with no separation.  Where does light end?  It does not.

after you pass, there continues to be differentiation in the form of vibration,
which manifests as sound and color to those who see such things.  But the closer to pure Love the spirit grows,
the closer to pure white light.  Picture
those around you in their essential form, as white light.  It is always there, for it comes not from
outside, but lies within.  Picture this
radiating from all those around you and from within yourself as well, and you
will begin to understand oneness.