Do you react the same way each time someone pushes your buttons or interacts with you in some way that is not to your liking?  That is a construct.  A construct is a fabrication, a structure, a pattern of responses that serves as a crutch to hold up who you have come to believe you are.  The more you prop up this role you are playing, the more solid it becomes and the less free you are to follow the soul’s promptings.  Construct (read as a noun) vs. freedom.  It is always your choice.  How do you become free?  When you catch yourself responding in habitual ways instead of tuning in to the part of you that is peace and love and of the Light, find a catch-phrase to catch yourself — a single word that will help you to pause and disengage the clutch of the construct.  In that moment, release all thoughts and emotions and simply be.  See what bubbles up from that place of pure being, from the sea of Love.  It may be a totally new response.  Try on this new response and dance with it for a while.  Do this from moment to moment and come to know freedom quite well.