Since you cannot know the entirety of your magnificence, as you are an aspect of Source, a projection, a ray of the Light that makes up All That Is, why not get to know this little light?  And yet, if you are just a fraction of the brilliance that would blind you instantly were you to glimpse it with physical eyes, and all of This is available to you as a Power Source, then why not claim it?  The ego wishes to claim Power for its own purposes.  What happens when you set ego aside and allow that Power to enliven you as it always has?  That is the key.  The You who you know intimately is actually Source in flow.  Take away the ego and the window dressing, and what are you left with?  Source!  Follow that ray of light backwards and feel the power surge!  Play with these concepts as they speak to your heart-mind.  They make no sense to the brain-mind.  Roll around in the peacelovelightdeliciousness and awaken more and more of that Light within.  You are This, Love.