Never a moment passes that you are alone. Never a moment passes that you are not loved. Never does a breath pass your lips that god does not know about it. You live and breathe Love. The more you express it, the more you experience Truth.
You see all around you signs of lack of love. Be not dismayed. Be steadfast in your knowing that you are the Truth and the Light and that the way to peace is through the heart, not through the hate. Surround all that is not love and light with love and light. The only way to banish the darkness is by adding light. Be not discouraged. You truly are not alone. Your helpers rally around you, lifting you up. Simply know they are there and call upon them when you cannot find your own way through the dark spots. It is they who will give you the gentle guidance and point you to the light switch.
Turn it up. Turn it up. Turn it up.