abstract-1292258_640Listen to them now, your newscasters and forecasters: “We were wrong!”  So surprised are they, and yet, a few of you are not at all surprised.  A few observed what was going on.  A few felt the energy at the rallies, whilst the rest merely listened to what others said.  Aha.  Are you paying attention now?  For most of your life others have told you what to believe about life.  “You are only human.  First you’re born and then you die.  This life is all there is.”  The newscasters and forecasters are basing this on “That’s the way it’s always been,” but what of the few who have been to the rallies across the veil and returned to talk about it?  Who is listening to them?

Personal experience.  There is nothing like it, and you can have it yourself when you set the intention to, without having to lose the physical body first.  “I wish to know the greater aspect of this human self.  I wish to know more of the greater reality in a safe and enjoyable manner.  I wish to know Truth personally, without being told what to believe by pundits and pollsters.  Is there more?  Am I really a soul?  Show me.  Guide me.  Help me to grow in Love.”

And so it is.  Ask and you shall receive.