Pick up your pen and begin to write.
For some such a practice would fill you with fright.
But how else will you hear the spiritual voices
Who speak to you of love, life, and choices?
Words flow unbidden, you know not the source.
To the human this matters greatly, of course.
But you are far more than a body and mind.
You are spiritual essence of the brightest kind.
By taking dictation of thoughts that arise
And doing so often, there comes a surprise.
“From where come these words? I know they’re not mine.
They seem to arise from beyond space and time!”
And thus begins a journey of trust.
To set aside the ego is an absolute must.
But once you do so, the rewards are quite great
As you learn and grow, and like this you create.
Such connection is not to a few souls confined.
They are here when you agree to open the mind
To the wonders of spirit, the miracles of being
And with body and soul a new world begin seeing.
Learn to be quiet, to set aside all the rush
It is here in the silence, in the morning’s soft hush
That Spirit will touch you and change your life if you will
For there’s much to be learned when what’s outside grows still.
You are so very loved.
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