Look into the eyes of a loved one.  How could such aliveness die?  And yet, when one looks into the eyes of a lifeless body, it is stunningly apparent that “the life has gone out of their eyes.”  And this is exactly what has occurred.  The Spirit animating the vessel has removed its present-awareness, but Spirit is indivisible.  It cannot die.  That life continues eternally.  Now you may find it where it has always been:  omnipresent.  Here.  Can you see a flashlight’s beam in the darkness if there is nothing to reflect upon?  You may not see a loved one’s spirit if there is no longer a body to reflect their light, but they are here just as much as the light-beam is.  Talk to them, for they hear you yet without ears.  There is no need to wait until you meet “face to face” in spirit, for you are spirit—the Light of Consciousness—in expression as well.  This is the journey of re-discovery that you, the soul, have embarked upon. 

You are so very loved.
