Hi Friends!  Join me tomorrow evening, Wednesday, December 27th, at 8:00 PM Eastern time for a live online session in which I will connect with Sanaya and allow them to share directly with you.  We will be using Zoom, which offers video through your PC, iPad, iPhone or Android.  Be sure to register in advance to ensure you get into the Zoom room by clicking the link below. See you tomorrow!  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VS0-znTyQ1aScdp0vfBDeQ

(To watch a video in which I explain channeling and how I first connected with my guides, please go to this link:  https://youtu.be/KZa7K8D1zvM

Today’s Message:  “Conscious”

It is as easy as saying, “Conscious!” and ego dissolves.  Ego is only a mental construct, a thought-form.  All humans deal with ego’s tricks, for the ego is born of the unconscious mind, and the mind runs rampant in most humans.  But one day you become aware that you are more than your thoughts and feelings.  You become aware that you are that Awareness that is aware of the ego and its many games.  In that awareness of your true self as pure Being, as Consciousness, itself, and as all illusory “others” as That as well, you continue the awakening process.  The more you awaken, the more conscious you become, and the less ego holds its grip on you.  Simply be conscious, and more and more the peace that eludes ego becomes your daily companion.