This.  Can you think of your Source in that way?  Perhaps this slight change in language will cause a shift in you.  For so long you have heard it said by us and by others that you are That.  What if you were to think, THIS is the consciousness that projects the world I see and know?  This is the place from which all perception arises.  This is what I have been seeking outside of myself.  This is the well from which love and life bubble up.  This is the presence, and it is not apart from me, but I am a part of it.  This is the All … This, within me.  This.  It has never gone far, for I AM This.  It is the same as saying “There is no ‘there.’  There is only Here, for all is Consciousness.  All arises from Consciousness and returns back to Consciousness.  Whether you call it That or This, There or Here, It, He, or She … THIS has no name, so take away your words and come to know your nature state.