So many are in a hurry to have 2020 behind you. Yes, life flows in cycles, and New Years are the start of one of the greatest you experience, but what of each day? Do not believe that the calendar will turn on January 1st and suddenly all of your challenges will be behind you. Life goes on, and challenges are part of it. You see a new year as an opportunity for a fresh start, and it is. But see each day, each minute, each moment as a new start, for they are. Looking towards the future in hopes that something will change negates the power that you have in this moment to change your thoughts as to how you view the year, the day, the minute. Do not lose a second of your life wishing for something better. Embrace this moment by looking about you and finding the opportunity … to be grateful and to love with all your heart. In so doing, “better” will naturally unfold.
You are oh so very loved.
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