Have you ever had a dream that was so real it seemed solid? Of course it was real. It was an experience of Consciousness, and you are Consciousness expressing through a soul in a human body. Look around you now. Does not the room appear solid and very real? And of course it is, for it is an experience of Consciousness, and you are This Consciousness, pure Awareness experiencing the human experience for a while in a physical body. And what of when you no longer inhabit a body, beautiful light? Why then, you will continue to have experiences of Consciousness, for Consciousness is the ground of all being—of your being—the foundation of Life—of your life and that of all others—the zero point field from which all arises, including these words. Are you beginning to understand? There is only experience without end, creation bubbling up creatively and love ever evolving in new and creative ways for the Joy of it. Ups and downs are all part of Experience, and it is, indeed, Joyful as you come to know there is no death and you are never separate from This. You are so very loved.
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