One of your respected philosophers stated, “I
think, therefore I am.”  We would like to
give you another twist on that phrase, one that will carry you much farther in
your awakening and realization of why you are here.  Are you ready? 

“I AM, therefore I love.”

It can be no other way, for your Source—The Great I
AM—is Love, and you are an aspect of That.
If you feel that you “are”—that you exist—but you do not love, then your
focus remains tightly on the human aspects of you.  How to shift it to the soul, which is
love?  Go to the heart.  Focus there and ask your version of God to
show you what love is.  Ask with all
sincerity to get to know true, divine love, and then relax.  You have taken the first step.

You are, therefore you love.  Now be that which you are … that which all
men seek.  It is your birthright, and you
are worthy.