In a dream you wrestle with a demon.  His arms wrap around you as if in a vice, and
you are filled with fear.  Suddenly, you realize it is your own arms that are wrapped around yourself, and there is no
one there.  A voice whispers, “There was
never another one there.”  Then who was
the demon?  The same one you struggle
with now:  your fears. 

In an instant the demon is gone, and all it takes is
awakening from the dream.  “But there are
real threats here,” you say, and as long as you hold onto your fear, this will
be your truth.  Until one day you awaken
from this oh-so-real dream and find yourself in the next one.  Hold onto your fears or learn to overcome
them by realizing there is only consciousness. 
In a way, it is true:  it is all
in your mind.  What is real is where you
place your focus.  Do you wish to spend
your life wrestling with your fears or walk in peace from one dream to the