There are as many perspectives as there are people.  Imagine yourself sitting in a round theater
watching a stage.  From your perspective,
you see things one way.  A person sitting
ninety degrees to your right would have quite a different view, and one
opposite you would, of course, see things completely opposite of you.  Now, imagine how funny it seems to hear the
two on opposite sides arguing that their view is the correct one and the other
is wrong.  Yet, do you not do this all
the time?  Why do you insist on right and
wrong?  This is ego-centric behavior.  Can you, instead, learn to understand that
instead of right and wrong there are billions of vantage points and simply
allow others to enjoy the show from their perspective just as you do from
yours?  Leaves on the same tree … that is
what all of you are, yet you fight from your individual branches.