sentry stands guard at your heart, keeping out intruders.  “Halt! 
Who goes there?  Friend or foe?” 

call this fellow “Ego” and think he is doing a good job.  But can Ego be trusted?  He is a judgmental fellow.  He bases his decisions on appearances and
stereotypes.  He rarely stops to sense
and feel.  He goes no farther than the
surface.  He clashes frequently with the
guards of other spirit-beings.

ego for his service, but ask him to let down the guard.  The heart is far stronger than you
think.  It can defend itself, using that
most powerful of implements:  Love.  Barbs thrown bounce off.  Lancets hurled go straight through without
leaving a hole.  It is only Ego who tells
you that you are wounded, but where Love is the armor, no wounds are

your soul and love fully, for where there is Love, there is no need for Ego.