You strive for perfection, but what is this elusive
thing?  It is merely a concept, for it is
based on beliefs, which are changeable. 
In a world of duality in which all slides between two polar opposites,
where does perfection actually lie?  And
yet, you wear yourselves out at times trying to achieve this elusive and
changing state. 

Why would you wish to be perfect?  This is the question to ask.  Is it for approval?  No doubt it is for pleasure of some kind.  The human brain is programmed to seek
pleasure.  The spirit knows it is
love.  So there is the key to your
happiness.  View all from the eyes of
spirit and seek no more.  As spirit, all
is in perfect order, for the true essence as Love is known.  That is the only perfection you need seek—the
awareness that you are love.