Temptations will always surround you. 
What is a temptation?  Something
that pulls you like a magnet to do or take something that your intuition tells
you is not in your best interest.  What
is in your best interest?  That which
increases your loving vibration, your health and harmony, your peace.  Why would you do something that would bring about
anything but these pleasant states?  At
the ego’s urging.  He convinces you that
doing so would bring you greater pleasure, but in the long wrong, he is usually

Ego is that little voice which wants you to act against the voice of
intuition.  He is a greedy fellow.  He wants you to stand alone and listen to
only him, but in doing so, the end result does not bring peace.  When you can learn the difference between ego
and spirit—the voice of the soul—you can laugh at temptation and make higher

Once again we advise you to see temptation as ego’s voice.  Pat him on the head with compassion and
understanding, and say, “Thank you for your suggestion, but I choose peace.”