How many story lines do you have going on at once? How many roles? Each of them is like a string going out from your head, where many of you think the real you resides. In truth, if you follow those lines back to their source, what will you find? Not the brain. It is a transfer station where electrical impulses come and go, but they do not originate there any more than you do. Follow your story lines back to the origin and we are afraid you will become quite frustrated looking, for you will find nothing. Yes, that is correct. You will find no THING.
Pure awareness is the source of all that arises within you as consciousness. From this awareness arise thoughts, which when aligned one after the other become a line—a story line with which you identify. None of these are the real you. Get out of the head and into the heart when any of your stories begin to consume you, and there you will find a (w)holy new perspective.
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