Picture your boxers in a ring. Round and round they go throwing punches until one of them goes to the mat and stays there. And with this so-called victory, you declare the one left standing a winner. At the human level you understand this. It is called competition. At the spirit level you understand it as well. It is called being human. How often do you spar with a partner, going round and round with your verbal jabs until one can declare victory? In the sport of boxing you call the playing field a ring, but there is nothing round about it. In fact, it is considered a good tactic to box one into a corner.
Make the shift from human perspective to that of the soul and you will find yourself in a true ring that has no corners. Within the circle of love there is only unity. Go there in your mind when you find yourself sparring with another and there you will find only love. There you easily surrender the need to be right. In so doing, you instantly become the victor as you raise not your arm in victory, but a single finger as a symbol of oneness.
There is only one heart and one thing that matters: love. It is what makes the world go Round.
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