Are you a prisoner to your story?  Does your role act as shackles that keep you from experiencing joy?  Caution!  We are not speaking of joy in the human sense that comes and goes with life’s pleasures.  We are speaking of the innate quality of the soul-joy that knows no opposite.  It is the pure joy of being.  This joy is not reliant on possessions, activities, “having fun” or doing exciting things. This joy arises quite naturally.  A giggle may escape the throat at times when in this state of soul-joy.  If the role you have assumed has shackled you so much that you no longer feel this level of joy, remember that you choose your role.  “But someone else told me what to do” you may protest.  Perhaps, and if so, is it not time to accept the Power that flows through you?  The power of be-ing the Light?  The more this Light shines through you, the more you know your next step towards joy.  Fly free, dear soul.  It is your birthright.