Imagine a child taken to a large city, surrounded by loud noises, new sights, towering buildings, and hustling, bustling crowds.  Would the child be frightened?  Not if a loving guardian held her hand and uttered love-filled words of assurance, pointing out the wonders around her.  Even if they encountered a frightening scenario, the child would feel the protective arms of her guardian as she was gathered up and surrounded with love.  Does this sound idyllic?  Imagine how your world would change if all of you could feel the protective hand of your unseen Guardian holding yours.  If you encountered a frightful scenario, imagine knowing the arms of Love are wrapped around you at all times.  At all times.

Yes, we repeat ourselves, and we will do so again and again in limitless ways, with never-ending analogies until you awaken to the Love that flows within you, through you, and around you.