Be not bashful. Sing the praises of Life at the top of your voice. What is singing, but the joyful expression of that which you feel in your heart. Music does indeed carry a vibration—each note resonating with various human emotions. Choose songs which uplift you … which make your heart soar, and sing with all your might. It matters not if you can carry a tune, merely that you express the love inside (that which you so often suppress) through the voice.

Let there be a joyous noise as you rejoice in being alive. Why do you think one speaks of a “choir” of angels? Angels know naught but love and sing in perfect harmony. Sing loud and sing long. Sing with your radio, with your favorite singer, or all alone where no one can hear you. It matters not. Your spirit longs to be set free. Let it soar on the notes of your voice and feel the freedom. Feel the love. That is the music of the Maker.