Do not underestimate the power of love. It is a healing force beyond anything in the material world. As the highest vibration—lo, the only vibration from which all arises—it can be used to move mountains, as you have been told by one who learned to use this power fully.

Harness the very highest vibrations of love and heal not just yourself, but your world. How do you do this? By setting aside judgment, by ceasing to criticize, and by allowing life to unfold without fear. Recognize ignorance when you encounter it, and look upon it with detached compassion.

All of these are the ingredients in the simple recipe for being the very presence of love. That is what you are. The main ingredient in a life of love always begins with love. Adjust the seasonings with varying degrees of patience and understanding, then share this feast liberally, for the masses are quite hungry. With this very basic staple in your bowl, no one need ever go without sustenance.