Fear is a subtle killer. It kills your dreams and it kills your hopes. It comes in the form of thoughts which tell you that you are not good enough or that you will not meet the expectations of yourself or others. Fear is a by-product of the ego, for were you to stand only as the presence of love—which is your true nature as a spirit-being—you would have no fear. You would have only the knowledge that all there is is love.

Love yourself fully. In so doing, you allow your true Self to shine forth. If there is anything to be “killed,” it is the ego’s grasp on your Self. The spirit cannot be killed, for it is eternal and all-powerful. Listen to your thoughts. Catch those that are fear-based and cast them out. Do not resist or resent them, for do they not teach you? Send them on their way with love … these fears you now recognize as falsehoods and limiters. You need hold onto them no longer. Be your true Self. Be fear-less, stand tall, and be an example to all.