A cat’s whiskers are so very sensitive. They are small antennae that protrude from the face to detect and inform the cat about its surroundings. Would it not be useful to have such antennae? In fact, my friend, your entire energy field is like this. Vibrations around you do enter this field of energy and are detected by the mind before your physical brain registers them. The mind is separate from the brain. Your scientists are just now beginning to realize this, but your spirit has known it all along.

You register external events first through your intuition—your sixth sense. This is your antenna … your whiskers, if you will. Place more value and attention on this highly useful sense, and you will find yourself more attuned to all around you, most especially those vibrations which cannot be seen or felt physically. This is a sense that has been turned down by most humans, but you can turn it up at will. Will it to be so, and tune in to the subtleties around you.