Note from Suzanne:  I am participating in a special retreat from March 2nd to the 8th.  I will be spending much time in meditation with Sanaya, but far less time on the computer.  To optimize this experience (and at the advice of friends) this week will feature past postings from Sanaya which others have highlighted as favorites.  New postings will resume on March 9th.  Love and blessings to all …

From July 14, 2011 – Savor the Sweetness 
Raspberries … such a beautiful fruit,
bursting with sweet juice, and such a vibrant red color … so pleasing to the
eye, yet what happens when you bite into the berry?  There you find a multitude of seeds that
become lodged between the teeth and prove irritating.  And so, you find an alternate way of eating
the raspberry.  Instead of chewing, you
press down lightly and thus enjoy the juice and the sweet flavor without the
Is not your life like this at times?  Are there not numerous irritations and people
who get stuck between your teeth, so to speak? 
They will always be there.  They
are part of the “berry”, but are they not surrounded by sweetness and
Do not chew so hard.  Do not bite down and grind away when the
irritants make their presence known, but merely acknowledge they are there and
savor the sweetness anyway.  The seeds
all play a role, as do you.  Savor this
life, irritants and all, remembering that irritants are in the mind.  It is all in how you choose to consume each
beautiful experience.  Focus not on the
seeds, but on the sweetness.  It is all
around you.