So many rules.  How many of them are truly necessary?  Yes, you have your societal rules, and those result from so many with different ideas and different understandings of what is right and what is wrong living together.  Rules are a necessity in societies.  Examine the rules you have placed upon yourself, however.  How do you limit your creativity, the expression of your light?  What do you think is possible and impossible?  Where are your musts and your shoulds?  Of course it is a good idea to follow society’s rules and norms, but keep a close watch on your thoughts and you may well find that many of your personal rules were passed down from others and no longer serve you as you come to realize you are not only a member of society but a soul who is here to experience and express her full potential, his full potential.  Light-en up, why don’t you.  The soul is already free.  Come into alignment with your True Nature and experience how it feels to dance.