“The end is near!” 
You hear these words and are filled with fear.  Yes, an ending is always near, because
existence flows in cycles.  When an
ending comes, a new beginning follows immediately.  And so, you could focus upon the end and be
filled with angst, or you could also say, “A new beginning is just around the
corner.”  Do you see how easily you go
from down to up and back again?  Ah yes,
even your moods are cyclical.

Do you see?  If
you cannot see your way to peace when facing an ending, think of the circle and
the cycles:  sunrises and sunsets;
winter, spring, summer, and fall; death and birth.  What does this tell you?  If everything—yes, everything—in existence
follows the circular pattern, then even death is not an end.  You exist, and you continue after death.  It is merely the start of a new cycle.  The same is true of others who have gone on
to the next “round” of existence ahead of you. 
You will catch up with them when you have finished this go-round.

The end is near? 
Have no fear.  The circle makes
things perfectly clear.