Boys will be boys …
another of your expressions.  Yes, and
girls will be girls.  These are
stereotypes … roles you have assumed.    And
what of it when one deviates from the accepted role?  That one is open to scorn and derision.  Do you fit in a box?  Do you sometimes wish to escape from the roles
you have assumed?  We speak not of gender
roles, but of the many labels you have pasted onto your body in this
incarnation.  Do they suit you?  Is it merely stereotypes that keep you acting
and thinking as you do?

Break out of the
mold.  Do not allow yourself to
stagnate.  Refresh your mind and your
labels.  Be creative.  Surprise those around you.  As you stretch and flex, fill all of your
thoughts and actions with love and enjoy not only the reactions of those around
you, but the fit of this new skin you wear. 
We think you will find it quite enjoyable.