“Why do some face more challenges than others?” you ask. It is because they can handle it, and more will be the growth of those around them for it. These special souls did enter this life agreeing to take on more than their share, for they realized what lessons in love these challenges would be. It is the nature of the human being to forget these agreements when you dress in a body, but the spirit knows that all challenges are opportunities for the growth of many, not just the one.
When you pass from the body, you will all see how intricately all fits together and what an important role your challenges played in the growth of many souls. How one handles challenges depends greatly on one’s perception. It is always a choice to view a challenge as a tragedy or an opportunity. Step back from your human reaction and see with the eyes of Spirit. Rather than sinking into the depths of despair, flood all situations with love, then rise to the surface and breathe.
Note from Suzanne: Please see the extra entry below for a special announcement.