Every day presents new challenges with its ups and downs.  Is this not just like your stock market?  At times things are on an upswing, and at others there is a precipitous fall.  We wish you to understand that all events are outside the True Self.  You need not ride the ups and downs as if belted into the roller coaster.  Instead, step back and watch the ride.  Yes, of course there will always be practical matters to attend to, for you are in this world.  But never forget, you are not of it.  You are a spirit-being having a human experience.  Have your human experience, but do not become so consumed by it that you forget who you are.  When you find your emotions riding the same roller coaster as the events in your human life, then you have identified too closely with the human aspect.  Take care of business, indeed, but let always a spirit of love and equanimity control the ride.