The real you is concealed behind a costume.  You call it a body.  The real you will not disappear when the body
lives no more, for the real you is eternal. 
You exist to grow in this realization, but the real you has always known
this.  It is the body which has concealed
this truth.  And so, it is merely a
matter of stripping away the costume bit by bit.  Most humans do not like being naked.  They feel somehow ashamed and exposed in this
state, but is this not learned behavior? 
All of life is about unlearning. 
The body is beautiful, to be sure, but what lies behind the costume is
beautiful beyond measure.  Unlike the
body, it is the same within all of you: 
pure spirit … Love.  It is what
binds you, connects all of you as one, yet masked in your bodies you do not see
it.  Be naked in spirit and feel the