Yes, pain is a symptom that something is wrong.  Likewise, emotional angst is a sign that you
are out of alignment with your true nature. 
You can change both kinds of pain with your thoughts.  The physical may take a while longer to catch
up, but your emotional pain can go away instantly at the mere recognition that
it is your thoughts which are the cause. 
Immediately you will want to blame someone else.  That is not the real you, but ego.  The real you is hiding beneath the
angst.  Rise above the ego.  Step into the role of the observer, the real
you.  See the transitory nature of the
situation you are in.  Now listen to what
you are telling yourself that is causing your pain.  How can you change the way you see this
situation?  Choose how you can best
respond and find peace.  It is always a

We give you the same messages over and over, but do you not forget over
and over to listen to your thoughts, your body, and your emotions?  What is pain, but a reminder.