When you release all expectations, magic happens.  How many times do you expect something to
happen, and it does not?  What do you
experience then?  Disappointment.  It is the natural outcome of expecting
something to occur.  But what if you
realized there was a Guiding Hand that always works for the greater good?  What if you knew that you were an inseparable
part of that hand–a cell in the body that directs that hand?  Would you try to tell the hand what to do?
Would you expect it to do your bidding, little cell?  But what if you realized that together with
all the other cells, you would always produce something beautiful?  Could you relax, then, and sit back and say,
“Very well, use me.”?  We hope
you enjoy the analogy and that it brings you peace as you relax and know that
life will flow if you allow it to do so.